Big Shop Window
— Peckham, London
A competition winning design for an installation in a shop window on Rye Lane in Peckham, designed and constructed by studio on the rye.
Client — Market Peckham
Sector — Retail
Nature — Shop window display design + construction

peckham — display

The installation involved neon shock cord strung across the shop window, utilising the space in the X, Y + Z axes. Pin lights were attached to the wall, base and ceiling to light up the cords.
An exploded axonometric model of our 2 storey side extension in Peckham was suspended within the web of cords. The model was made of laser cut acrylic, which was edge lit with small dense LED strips. Each plane of acrylic was etched with an architectural drawing of the space, the lines of which glowed at night.
A linear language was created with the neon cords and etched drawings, both as a reference to the nature of the work of the architecture studio the installation advertised, and the linear language of the existing internal brick finish in the lobby of Market Peckham.
Big Shop Window was a competition held by Market Peckham to design and construct a display for their large shop window on Rye Lane. The brief was to create an installation which grabbed people’s attention and made them intrigued to find out more about the business it advertised.
Our competition winning design was intended to be striking — catching the eye of the passer by with the use of lighting, colour and bold design. The shop window and interior lobby at Market Peckham are relatively dark spaces, so the installation played with LED edge lit acrylic and pin lights in order to stand out on the busy street and showcase our work.

Photography: Niki Borowiecki